Monday, August 29, 2011


Wow! We are so overstuffed with great items, we've had to extend out to the back deck! Plus, we still have tents, also stuffed, with "gotta move it" merchandise, including furniture.

Here are some new pictures of mostly recently added items:

Cute wooden kitchen drop leaf table!  ONLY $48! Darling painted chairs $18 each!

Look at this fantastic, very vintage, Santa Cruz parking meter! It WORKS! 1 cent gets you 12 minutes. Comes with two keys.
 $125 firm

An adorable drop leaf tea cart, could really be used as a table! Priced to move quick: $85!
A Lovely Oak dresser and mirror! would you believe, this one shouts STEAL ME! just $195! 

Covered casserole 


Friday, August 19, 2011

Boulder Creek Antiques & Art COMMUNITY COOKBOOK!

Send us your recipes for our
Hello from your friends at Boulder Creek Antiques & Art!

Our Community Cookbook is underway and we'd love to have a full section of our customer's favorite recipes! IT WILL BE FUN be fun to have your recipe, your name, maybe even a funny story about your recipe, IN PRINT! We even have a section on Folk Remedies as well as a "Don't Eat This!" section full of recipes for things like Milk Paint, Play Dough, Laundry Soap, Vintage Linen Soak, and more!

Please send your recipes to Chris at
as soon as possible.
You could also leave your recipes in our comments section, right here!