Friday, January 29, 2010

Dollar Day$ event!

Please Join Us Sunday,
January 31st
12-3 pm
Hot Cider and Refreshments
Don't miss out on our Dollar Day Event!
You never can tell what you'll find!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Starting 2010 off Right!

We have so many great new items to start off 2010. Keep dry, come shop inside

.Here's some beautiful glassware the girls put on display.
.I just love this beautiful painted corner shelf.

.Barbara has some fabulous painted chairs... plus, notice the vintage stove.

.One of our newer dealers, Kathleen, has been specializing in fabulous sweaters and beautiful vintage lingerie!

.I wonder just how many salt shakers we have in the shop? Hundreds?

.It was an event when Richard and his crew (sons) brought in this "ginormous" Armoire. It is soooo beautiful!

.A sweet writing desk in Judy's space.

.Janet has lots and lots of pink glass as well as amazing Tiffany glass lamps. She's in a new space too. You should check it out.

.Everyone just loves this adorable vintage mirrored dressing table. (You can see Jan in the reflection! gotcha Jan!)

.Glenda can't seem to keep furniture in her space too long. Her prices are literally irresistible! This week she brought in this cute reproduction ice box.... perfect to make into a wine cabinet.

.This is another find of Glenda's. A beautiful old fashioned, vintage, drop leaf table. OPPS! Toldja! This adorable table just sold, sorry about that!

.Mike has restocked his inventory with his latest photography. Such an amazing artist! You should check out some of his wife Carol's latest ceramic jewelry and buttons too.

.We also have a few new local jewelry artists showing this month. Some VERY nice items and VERY reasonably priced! (Think VALENTINES DAY!)

.Do stop in soon.
Happy 2010!