Hello and Welcome to our photo album!

Hello from Richard, Glen, Darlene, Katie, Susan, Carol, Toni, Bob, Jeanmarie, Barbara, Glenda, and Izzie under the flag.

Darlene and Glen found a great barn sale near Healdsburg

Jeanmarie is pulling a lucky customer's name for our Customer Appreciation Drawing.

Judy W. is sprucing up her space.
Want to know more about that piece of glass or pottery? Just ask Darleen S!

Chris is setting out the flag as Darlene and Glen peek out the window.


Helen seems to like her gift. While Bob, Wes, Darleen S, and Darlene C look on.

Jeanmarie and Judy pull a lucky name out of the bowl.

Jeanmarie is calling the lucky winner!
Granddaughter Katie and Grandpa Glen having a bit of fun.
Here's our own Fiddler-Dealer, Elicia! She's amazing on the fiddle and her items are priced to fly off the shelf... and they do!

Hello from Richard, Glen, Darlene, Katie, Susan, Carol, Toni, Bob, Jeanmarie, Barbara, Glenda, and Izzie under the flag.

Darlene and Glen found a great barn sale near Healdsburg

Jeanmarie is pulling a lucky customer's name for our Customer Appreciation Drawing.

Judy W. is sprucing up her space.
Barbara and Izzy are laughing it up!
Toni is showing off a treasure!
You'll always see Glenda smiling!
The 'Gizzies', Bob and Jeanmarie are explaining the quality of Fostoria vs this etched flute.Want to know more about that piece of glass or pottery? Just ask Darleen S!
Carol is showing Jeanmarie her latest hand created buttons.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.... 
Chris is setting out the flag as Darlene and Glen peek out the window.


Richard is helping a customer with Susan, Bill and Ali looking on.
Chris and Molly (St. Bernard puppy) watching the 4th of July Parade

Our Christmas in July, White Elephant Pirate gift exchange!
Jeanne Rose unwrapped something REALLY weird, with Judy, Carol, and Bob laughing along.

Helen seems to like her gift. While Bob, Wes, Darleen S, and Darlene C look on.

Halloween night, everyone helps pass out candy to the kiddies.

Jeanmarie and Judy pull a lucky name out of the bowl.

Jeanmarie is calling the lucky winner!
Granddaughter Katie and Grandpa Glen having a bit of fun.
Here's our own Fiddler-Dealer, Elicia! She's amazing on the fiddle and her items are priced to fly off the shelf... and they do!
Very cool.
ReplyDeleteKeep it up guys. Boulder Creek is really looking good and merchandisers like you are making it so!