We've got lots of new additions to our plants and cement stones, plaques and statues!

A wonderful garden birdbath made from recycled pvc!

Chris found an antique twin IRON BED FRAME, COMPLETE WITH RAILS!
For your Garden? Child's room? Guest bedroom?

Need a garden work bench? we've got a couple!

This wonderful loom is too big for inside the store... so it's out here temporarily. Why not find a place in your home for it!

Glenda has tons and tons of fabulous metal thingies.... knobs, hinges, interesting????

Bob has some new license plates and Kathleen brought in some great wicker.

New awnings for our EIGHT TENTS! plus lots of new inventory to excite the "Love to find a deal" voice inside!

More views of other tents and fabulous yard sale items!

Table for two??

Back inside, the Gizzies have a beautiful, yet simple, drop leaf serving cart.

Richard actually refinished these two items.... GREAT JOB Richard!

Another Glenda find... darling vintage drop leaf table. Perfect for that corner in your kitchen.

And... if you're looking for a HUGE HUTCH!! look no more! Really amazing, really huge!

Heidi has some neat items tucked into her adorable nook!

And... as always, we find that PYREX you love to collect! Chris found two complete sets, like new!

Kathleen brought in the wonderful portable bar.... stores glasses, bottles, ???

Here's some more new inventory... it's not really "new", mostly vintage... just "new" to our store, and now available to you. Inventory seems to move quickly here!

Every sale from this booth goes to support SHELLY'S ANGELS, our Boulder Creek Cat rescue!

And now... my battery is getting low, so one more snapshot... Cherie's popular SHABBY CHIC collection!

SEE YOU SOON! You can always call to see if a particular item is still available: 831 338 0600!