Yesterday, I went Christmas Shopping in our own store! Amazing gifts, at fabulous prices! Here's some of what I found.....

The Walsh's have not one, but TWO wonderful old treadle sewing machines! And, if you're looking for vintage dolls... they've got them!

You'll be tapping your toes and singing along to our Holiday Tunes, playing from our vintage style cd player (sorry not for sale), as you browse in Richard and Sue's area. Note the green glasses? they have sold dozens and dozens of some wonderful vintage green glasses! There are still some left!

As always, the Gizzy's Space greets you just as you walk in the front door. So nicely decorated for the holidays... our customers are dreaming of serving the eggnog in some of the most magnificent Fostoria punch bowls and elegant cups! Just yesterday, their tremendous, huge Fostoria punch bowl went home with a lovely family!

And Chris has gone all out replenishing her creatively crafted holiday gifts. Hand made journals in vintage styles, Redwood candle holders, and she produced fabulous greeting cards with her angle painting, as well as vintage Boulder Creek postcards!
But this is by far her most popular item (and only $3.50 each).....
"Good Morning. This is God. I will be handling all your problems today. I will not need your help, so have a good day."This meaningful 8x3" plaque is laminated and hangs on a green hanger. The photo is from Big Basin park, and Chris has used photoshop to accentuate the profound morning light. She also offers the Serenity Prayer in this same format.
And for your whimsey, fancy these...

Jeanne Rose offers blue and pink fairies and elves to hang on your tree or where ever you fancy! Can you believe only $4-5 each!!

And the Gals have several bowl fulls of vintage ornaments and decorations.... way too many to picture all of them!
Final note... even though Christmas is just less than two weeks away... you can count on our 20 dealers bringing in more vintage (and some new) HOLIDAY ITEMS for your GIFT GIVING!
Stop by and enjoy a warm "cuppa tea" as my Irish Nana would say!